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The problem: Purchases or donations of multiple identical computers / laptops require a standardized setup before deploying them on campus. Setiing up and configuring computers for campus use can take several hours for a single computer. Commercial cloning software licensing can be costly.
The solution: Set up ONE computer in a standardized configuration and then duplicate it exactly to the other computers using a method known as cloning or disk imaging. Avoid high licensing costs for commercial cloning software by using Clonezilla Server, a free open source software.
The method used here is multicast imaging. This is a preferred method of re-imaging many computers simultaneously. Using multicasting, a roomful of computers will image in the same time as a single computer using other methods.
Example using 6 clients and a network switch:
There are 4 main steps to successfully imaging groups of computers. 1.Install and configure an image server. 2.Setup a mini cloning station. 3.Clone the master computer to an image file. 4.Create clones from the master image file.
To do this you will need: An Ubuntu Linux computer with Clonezilla installed.
A simple 10/100 or 10/100/1000 network switch with 8 ports or more.
Ethernet network cables connecting all computers to the switch.
A fully configured Windows computer as the “Master” computer.
All the computers must be able to boot up from the network card. (PXE booting)
One or more computers to be cloned from the master.
Step 1. Install and configure an image server. •First install Ubuntu Linux Desktop Download and install the latest Ubuntu Desktop release on a spare computer or laptop. A recent computer with a Pentium 4 processor or better, 512MB ram and 40GB drive or more will suffice. This computer needs internet access to download software during installation.
The Ubuntu download is an .iso file that needs to be burned to a CD. You can burn it with Img Burn, a free program.
Insert the Ubuntu CD, restart the computer and watch the screen for a message that says “Press any key to boot from CD”. Press a key.
If you don't see that message, change the boot order to boot from the CD first in BIOS.
Follow the prompts to install Ubuntu. Recent Ubuntu Desktop installations are straightforward. No special configurations are necessary.
•Next install Clonezilla Server on the Ubuntu Linux Desktop Clonezilla Server is used to clone many computers simultaneously across a network. This is done using a DRBL server and computer workstations that can boot from a network.
1. Install the key for the Clonezilla repository. Enter the following in the terminal to download the key:
To get to the terminal in Ubuntu go to: Applications > Accessories > Terminal
Now type:
2. Add the key:
sudo apt-key add GPG-KEY-DRBL
3. Add the Clonezilla repository to the apt source.list file. Open /etc/apt/source.list in the nano text editor:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
4. Add the following lines to the bottom of the list. Replace “lucid” with the name of the Ubuntu distribution you are using. I.E. gutsy, feisty, edgy, hardy, lucid..: Find your release name here.
deb lucid main restricted universe multiverse deb drbl stable
Save changes and exit the file. ( ctrl + x ) then press Yes at the prompt and Enter to exit the nano editor.
5.Run these two commands to update your list and install drbl:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install drbl
6. Finally:
sudo /opt/drbl/sbin/drbl4imp
This configures DRBL and CloneZilla with default values.
When the installation is finished, Clonezilla is started and ready to accept clients for cloning.
Stop the Clonezilla Server. Type this in the terminal:
sudo /opt/drbl/sbin/dcs clonezilla-stop
References: How to Forge - Cloning Linux Systems with Clonezilla Se
How to setup Clonezilla on Linux Ubuntu Quick Start Guide
Clonezilla Server Edtions Source Forge
Clonezilla Server Editon Usage PDF
Step 2. Setup a mini cloning station This part is fairly simple, perhaps the hardest part is finding space to setup the equipment.
To do this you will need:1. An ethernet switch with 8 ports or more.
Newegg- switches Switches
Google Shopping Switches
2. Cat 5 Ethernet cables - enough for each computer to connect to the switch.
3. Setup the mini cloning station
Setup all the computers and the server. Connect all of them to the switch. We want to isolate these computers from any other network so do not connect the switch to your router or another switch. The Clonezilla server will be using it's own DHCP server to give the computers IP address to communicate back and forth. We don't want any network conflicts or any unintended machines to be cloned. Keep this mini network separate from your regular network!
Step 3. Clone the master computer to an image file Overview of this step:
1. Start Conezilla Server Open the terminal on Ubuntu. Applications > Accessories > Terminal.
Type: sudo /opt/drbl/sbin/dcs
Follow the prompts and enter as illustrated:
6. You can choose to reboot or poweroff the computer after it is cloned.
8. Use the enter button to finish.Clonezilla has loaded all of your settings. Leave this terminal open.
Now it is time to set up the Master Computer to PXE boot and clone it's disk to a file on the server.
2. Start the Master Computer In order to clone the Master Computer, it must be set to boot from the network card. Booting from the network is known as PXE booting. PXE is short for Preboot eXecution Environment. It allows the computers to boot up via their network interface instead of the CD rom or hard drive.
To configure your client PC to boot from the network card, access the computer’s BIOS. The BIOS is accessed by entering a key during power up. The keys vary by computer model and brands, but F1, F2, F12, DEL, and ESC are common. You may have to google your computer model to get the proper key.
In the BIOS control panel, locate the menu for changing the startup sequence. Set the first boot device to the network card. In the screen pic below, it is a PXE menu item, on some motherboards the choice may be ‘LAN’ or something similar.
After setting the computer to PXE boot in the BIOS, save the changes and exit the BIOS. Allow the computer to restart. It will start using the network card, contact the Clonezilla server to get an IP address and load the Clonezilla boot program into memory.
3. Clone the Master Computer 1. After loading the boot program, the Master Computer prompts you to input a name for the saved image.
2. Use the space bar to put an asterisk next to the disk you want to clone.
3. After entering <OK>, sit back and let Clonezilla work. Here, a 10.7 GB disk finishes imaging after about 14 minutes. You can shutdown the Master Computer after it is finished. Exit the terminal.
4. Check the Clonezilla server for the completed image files. File System > home > partimag
5. Shutdown the Master Computer.
Step 4. Create clones from the master image file
Overview of this step:
All of the clients will receive the Master Computer's disk image from the Clonezilla Server simultaneously using multicast imaging.
1. Start the Clonezilla Server, configure to restore disks 1.
5. Make sure you select poweroff - Shutdown client when the clone finishes. You don't want the finished client rebooting and loading up the clonezilla program again.
8.Choose multicast to restore multiple clients simultaneously.
9. Set the number of clients that Clonezilla will wait for before starting disk restoral / cloning.
10. Choose the number of clients you are cloning.
11. After pressing <Ok> Clonezilla will load your settings and then it is ready to restore disks on the clients. Leave the terminal open.
Step 4. Part 2 - PXE boot the clients and begin cloning 1. With the clients configured to PXE boot on startup, start the clients to be cloned. A screen similar to this appears while the client is contacting the Clonzilla server:
2. When the client successfuly loads the Clonezilla program, choose Clonezilla: multicast restore if it is not already selected.
3. Once all the clients are ready, the cloning will start.
4. Once the cloning starts, all the clients will be cloned simutaneously. These are 3 clients being cloned at the same time.
5.When the cloning process has finished, the clients should shutdown automatically if you configured that option in Clonezilla. Start the clients, enter the BIOS again and change the boot order to start from the CD / ROM or Hard drive first. Save changes and exit.
6. Start the clients. All of them will be exact duplicates of the Master Computer. You will need to change all of their names to avoid network conflicts.
7. Stop Clonezilla Server
Open the terminal. Applications > Accessories > Terminal and they type;
sudo /opt/drbl/sbin/dcs
Click throught the Clonezilla screens and then select Clonezilla-stop Stop clonezilla mode to shut down the CloneZilla Server.