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in_inglese_quando_ho_tempo_traduco_se_mai [2010/11/18 11:06] fedein_inglese_quando_ho_tempo_traduco_se_mai [2014/07/03 14:57] (versione attuale) – modifica esterna
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 11. After pressing <Ok> Clonezilla will load your settings and then it is ready to restore disks on the clients. Leave the terminal open. {{:11aclonezilla-restore-disk-ready-to-start-cloning.gif|}} 11. After pressing <Ok> Clonezilla will load your settings and then it is ready to restore disks on the clients. Leave the terminal open. {{:11aclonezilla-restore-disk-ready-to-start-cloning.gif|}}
-Step 4. Part 2 - PXE boot the clients and begin cloning 1. With the clients configured to PXE boot on startup, start the clients to be cloned. A screen similar to this appears while the client is contacting the Clonzilla server: +Step 4. Part 2 - PXE boot the clients and begin cloning 1. With the clients configured to PXE boot on startup, start the clients to be cloned. A screen similar to this appears while the client is contacting the Clonzilla server: {{:1bloading-pxe-boot-dhcp-1.gif|}}
-2. When the client successfuly loads the Clonezilla program, choose Clonezilla: multicast restore if it is not already selected. +2. When the client successfuly loads the Clonezilla program, choose Clonezilla: multicast restore if it is not already selected. {{:2bclonezilla-client-restore-boot-screen.gif|}}
-3. Once all the clients are ready, the cloning will start. +3. Once all the clients are ready, the cloning will start. {{:3bclonezilla-client-starting-to-restore-image.gif|}}
-4. Once the cloning starts, all the clients will be cloned simutaneously. These are 3 clients being cloned at the same time. +4. Once the cloning starts, all the clients will be cloned simutaneously. These are 3 clients being cloned at the same time. {{:4bthree-clones-at-once-screens.gif|}}
Linea 204: Linea 204:
 6. Start the clients. All of them will be exact duplicates of the Master Computer. You will need to change all of their names to avoid network conflicts.  6. Start the clients. All of them will be exact duplicates of the Master Computer. You will need to change all of their names to avoid network conflicts. 
-7. Stop Clonezilla Server +7. Stop Clonezilla Server {{:7bstop-clonezilla.gif|}}
 Open the terminal. Applications > Accessories > Terminal and they type;  Open the terminal. Applications > Accessories > Terminal and they type;